"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wedding Party

I just wanted to take a minute and introduce my awesome wedding party- Thanks girls for being a part of my wedding! I love you all!!!

Maid/Matron of Honor:
Whitney – I am so thankful to have such an awesome sister. We didn’t always get along as kids, but now that we are adults, I can honestly say she is one of my best friends. We can be competitive- “Anything you can do- I can do better”! But we all know I am the most like “Martha”!! We have had a lot of great laughs over the years (Miramar!), and I know there are many more to come. Thanks for being my friend, my sister, and my Maid/Matron of Honor.


Ashley- We grew up like sisters, and have had a lot of laughs. I definitely get credit for naming Ellie! All the times we climbed the tree across the street from Nana’s house, hide “n” go seek, “While you were out”- Hey Ash, do you like the paint color? How about a picture of your dead dog? Apples to Apples, shopping, and much more. One word- "Juice"...We have had a lot of great times and I am so happy to have you stand up there with me when I get married.

Sarah- “H-E-L-L-O” Well mittens, we have had some interesting times together- some legal, some questionable. I give you all the credit for introducing me to Mikey, so “Thank you”. Lets see- Bob’s Mobile Home Park, Big Dawgs, stalking, Frosty’s Golf Range, Bush Gardens, stealing you holiday decorations out of your yard and putting them in mine, Brooks N Dunn- leaving you to go to the hospital, Douglas Road street signs, and so many more. We lost touch for a while- my fault, but I am so glad we found each other again. You are my very best friend, and I LOVE you so much. Thank you for being a part of my big day.

Taryn- I guess we had to go through some not so good guys to get to the right ones! We have been friends for 13 years! That makes me feel very old, how about you? In all those years, we haven’t been trampled in a stampede yet! I still don’t quite understand that one…We’ve walked to CB Smith from your house in Pembroke Pines, gone to Rosie’s for treats, 4 wheeling, camping, the lake house - trying to teach me to water ski- no luck with that, and we have been to many rodeos and chili cook off’s. We have had a lot of fun. I am happy that I was able to come to your wedding and I am excited for you to be a part of mine. I love you!

Dana- I am super excited to have my soon-to-be sister-in-law in my wedding. We have had some great family times. The times I went to Sneakers, and you showing me some bartending skills, the road trip to Georgia, and Mr. D warning Chris about the cops in Georgia- I think we had just crossed the state line and Chris got pulled over for speeding! We’ve panned gold together, got lost in a corn maze, I’ve helped you move, and watched your kids- my nieces grow up. I love you like a sister already, and look forward to more fun family moments. Thank you for being a part of my wedding.


whitney said...

i am the martha....we cant wait for the big day! We are glad to be a part of it!! :) Clipboard here I come!