"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Just for fun, I asked other Mom's what is the one baby related item they are obsessed with buying. Here are the results:

Clothes (general)- 2

T-Shirts- 1

Hats- 1

PJ's- 3

Cloth Diapers- 2

Headbands- 1

Shoes- 1

Food- 3

Sippy Cups- 2

Strollers- 1

When results first started coming in, I was afraid I was the only one not obsessed with buying clothes. If you can't tell from the picture, my obsession is baby bottles & sippy cups! I can't get enough of them! It's crazy, right? I could spend hours just looking at the different kinds of bottles & sippy cups. Mason has 6 types of bottles & 5 types of sippy cups. The sad part is, he really doesn't know how to drink from a sippy cup quite yet, but I can't stop buying new ones!
(New pictures in his web album- 7 months)


Kailyn's Mommy said...

Wow you are lucky he like's so many bottles! Kailyn still will only take her ventaires. We have tried the drop ins a few times as they are obviously a lot easier to clean. She just doesn't really care for them!
As far as sippy cups we have a ton we have tried the past 2 months. Some from our shower, some from my SIL that her kids would never use. three friends told me their kids only like the straw ones.....looks like Kailyn is the same! We just started noticing a big difference how much she drinks from that one versus the others. The past 2 months we would try a different one each day. Let me know if he ends up with a preference.:-)

Libby said...

At least it's one of the cheaper obsessions if you have to have one! He'll eventually drink from them. He knows how now he just can't handle the volume that comes out. He's a very smart little man and he'll get it soon. And I still think he is going to walk and never crawl (first or later on)!!
Love you all!
Mommaw & Poppaw