"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 7, 2011

Standing Up, Round Head, 2 Teeth, Not Sleeping

Mason has officially graduated from his helmet. His head looks amazing, what a difference only 11 weeks made. We are very pleased we went ahead and did the helmet, and would recommend it to anyone who needs it!

Mason has 1 tooth, and one is about to break through right next to it. Teething is such a fun experience- I curse the tooth fairy every night! His little teeth are so cute, I love them♥

Mason decided yesterday to pull himself up in his crib. He kept doing it, then he would start laughing. He also pulled himself up holding onto the couch. I can't believe he is standing before he is even officially crawling. He can scoot to anywhere he wants to go, then sit himself up, but he is not crawling on all 4's. He will get up on all 4's, move a little, then fall. I believe he will be crawling officially very soon.

The dreaded question people love to still ask- "Is he sleeping through the night" NO (Insert screaming here)!

Oy vey- I am hoping maybe by the time he enters college, he will be sleeping through the night!? Everyone likes to share what worked for them, which I appreciate, but I am still trying to figure out what works for us. I know that he eats and drinks enough throughout the day to where he does not need a bottle to go back to sleep. I think at this point, he just relies on it, and that is not good. I know most people suggest the "cry it out" method, but honestly, I don't know if I can do it, even if it does mean that I can get some sleep. Now, I do give it 15 minutes before I go in his room, but to think of him sitting in there crying, waiting for me to come in and pick him up, and I don't, just breaks my heart. I feel like he is crying because he wants me, so how do I not go to him?! Don't judge, but I also change his diaper when he wakes up at night- is this bad too? Am I waking him up more?! These babies need manuals... I want to know what works for you, but if I hear one more story of how your 2 month old sleeps 10-12 hours/night- I am going to scream!
Please take time to vote on the the top right hand side of the blog of what your method is...

*Check his web album for a couple new pictures.


jen nelson said...

i dont think changing his diaper is a problem , they me be a reason he is up, he doesnt want to be wet...plus,i wouldnt want him going back to sleep with a wet diaper, so i dont judge you there.. (not that i judge you at, all!!! im still up throughout the night and he will be 1 this wknd!

Libby said...

Mason looks great and the money was well spent. I would advise anyone to do it early (like you did) and not wait until their child is older. Babies heads grow so much faster the younger they are so they'll get better results in less time the earlier they start. I'm a firm believer now after seeing Mason's results although I am also a firm believer in placing babies on their stomachs - NOT backs! Not only does it keep them from aspirating on their "spit up" (if they do) but it also let's their heads round out on their own without having to use helmets and such. You change the side they lay their face on until they can hold up their heads themselves and turn on their own. They not only do this earlier but they also have stronger neck control sooner, turn over sooner, and crawls sooner! (But then I'm old school and only was a pediatric nurse for over 10 yrs so what do I know?)!!!
Love our little peanut,
Mommaw and Poppaw

Libby said...

P.S. Couldn't vote in your poll because my choice wasn't there. I think you should go to him, change him, feed him, soothe (rock) him, or whatever it takes. He's too young to be spoiled by it and obviously needs/wants you. It's ok to wait 5-10 min but any longer and he will feel insecure. Responding to babies under a year old is how they learn trust and security. Don't let anyone tell you it "spoils" them!!

MrsAstor said...

We didn't get to Sleeping through the night until 12 months, but it will happen, sooner rather then later!!! (Such a cutie, love your "save the date" for his 1st b-day!)