"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

8 Months & All Over The Place

8 Month Stats:
Height 27" Weight 17lbs 14oz

- Bottom 2
Baby Food- Stage 2 puree (doesn't like stage 3) Not a fan of puree bananas or peaches
"Real" Food he likes- Toast, waffles, vanilla waffers, ritz crackers, grilled cheese, sliced cheese, french fries, sweet potatoe fries, mixed vegetables, stawberries
"Real" Food he's not too sure about- Pancakes, noodles (any kind/flavor- I think it's a texture thing), bananas, pears (He LOVES puree fruit though)
Baby Snacks he likes- Puffs, yogurt melts
Crawling- YES- Officially began crawling on his 8 month birthday (he was scooting before that)
Standing- YES- LOVES TO STAND! I have caught him letting go of things while standing
Sleep- (insert whispering here- I don't want Mason to know we are discussing this) As you have read in the past, Mason has NEVER slept through the night. I was given all kinds of advice, and I recently borrowed a couple books from a friend about sleep training. Well, I believe Mason got wind of me talking about possible letting him cry it out, or using some other methods, so he has decided for the past 4 nights to sleep from 7:30ish pm-5:30ish am . (insert "Yay" here) I left the sleep training books on his dresser, just so he knows I am still exploring our options if need be.

A few things I have learned after 8 months of being a Mom:
1- It is possible to run in somewhere & not bring half of your house- You can even go run around all day without 6 outfit changes "just in case" he gets something on him.
2- You can travel with only 1 bottle- He can't drink out of more than one at once can he? You can even go as far as rinsing it out in a public place! Crazy, right? Who knew...
3- He doesn't have to have the "perfect" outfit- as long as it's clean & the colors pretty much match, you are good to go.
4- You don't have to run to pick him up the instant he starts crying- as long as he isn't hurt, a little crying won't hurt him- really, it won't.
5- This may get some people mad, but I'm going to say it- If he doesn't eat, sleep, drink, play on the same set schedule every day, that's OK. Mason has a rough schedule, but if I decide to shop all day on Saturday & he misses a good nap, or doesn't eat exactly at 12pm, our lives won't stop. I don't know how other women can stick to these strict schedules- to me that is not reality. (FYI- the above statement is not directed at anyone I know, it actually came from Mason's last helmet appointment. A woman was trying to make her daughters next appointment, and the first day & time she was given, her response was "That won't work, that is her nap time". The receptionist gives her another day & time, her response was "That won't work either, she eats lunch at that time." I honestly thought- are you kidding me?!) Again- PLEASE don't take offense to this if you are a "strict" schedule keeper- if it works for you & your baby, that's all that matters!

Check out Mason's 7th & 8th month web album for new pictures...


Carson's Mommy said...

Love your blog posts! So funny and so true about the schedule. lol.

jen nelson said...

hey, sont make fun of me with the schedule, oh wait, i cant write this, i have to go change his diaper this second and then feed him!! lol just kidding!!! lol

Libby said...

Lessons learned a lot quicker than your big sis!!! She still brings a diaper bag (always has the same thing in it so I don't think she ever looks in it) even though she knows I have everything here for both her boys!! Of course she was more rigidly potty trained than you! LOL!!!
love and hugs,

Kailyn's Mommy said...

I was just going to ask you if he started crawling yet or went straight to walking. Now he must really come play with Kailyn!
Love the post, too funny.