"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, December 17, 2010

1/2 A Year Old

"I'm how old?"

Height 26 1/2"
Weight 15lbs 13oz

Wow, where has the past 6 months gone?! Mason is now pretty much sitting up un-assisted- he's still a little webble wobble, but getting better every day. He loves to sit up, play in his bouncer or exersaucer, and he is so amused by his cousins, Jax & Logan. He is eating solids 2 times a day. So far he has tried: pears, apples, bananas, banana/blueberry mix, peaches, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, green beans, & carrots. He HATES green beans & peaches, but likes everything else. The Doctor said that once he is completely sitting up on his own, we can give him some table food that is soft enough for him to gum since he has no teeth yet. He still wakes up once a night, but I am beginning to think he is just toying with me!
He went to Disney World for the first of many times, and he did great. He got to meet his other cousin, Madison, and he thought she was pretty great too. I took 1 picture the whole week- I know, it's terrible, but it was so hard to stop and pull the camera out! He is doing great with his helmet, and his head is rounding out great. We get MANY looks, but I don't even pay attention to them. Only a couple people have actually asked why he wears it. He is a very happy baby, and the past 6 months have really been amazing. He is really at a great age right now, and we can't wait to see what he learns to do next!

PS- I have been terrible at taking pictures, but there are a couple more in his 5 month album. (Click his picture on top left side of blog)


Libby said...

You left out all the talking he does! Boy can he yabber! He makes more sounds then any baby (his age) than I have ever heard. And then he laughs at himself too. His personality is really starting to show (Megan is gonna get paid back for all the fights she had with me - ha ha) He definitely has a temper and a wicked sense of humor is coming thru.
I'm amazed at how well he has adjusted to his "helmet". He barely pays attention to it and his head really looks great. Well worth the money. His hair is growing like crazy - looks like he has a buzz cut that stands straight up! Too cute!
Mommaw & Poppaw love you little man. You amaze us every day and it's wonderful to watch as you grow and change.