"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Dear Pre-Kid Self #thingsiwanttotellyou

Hello there pre-kid self. You are enjoying life right now, not worrying about much, except for what you will wear tonight to go out. #iwonderwhowillbeatdaviejunction Your days are filled with working, don't worry, after kids you will still be working, just spending your money on a different type of bottle then now. #tradedcaptainforplaytex Your Wednesday-Saturday nights will be filled with going out with friends, and stalking hanging in the places where your future husband is. You probably won't believe me, but you actually end up marrying that 21 year old with the jacked up Toyota you met at Big Dawgs when you were 16- you know the one, that guy that you and your best friend stalked, well followed, no stalked. #mittens #remembertakingpicsinfrontofnormandy It takes several years to finally get him to date you, let alone marry you, but don't worry, he finally caves. #betheskickinghimselfforthatone I love how carefree you are. You don't worry about anything, you just have fun and party. And you should be having fun and partying, because that is what 20 something year old's do. #howmanytimesyouwillsayiwillneverdrinkthatmuchagain #youwilldrinkthatmuchmanymoretimes

Once you settle down, get married, you and the husband will decide to start trying for a family. I wish this road was as easy as you are thinking it will be, but it isn't. You will end up learning more then you need to about how hard it can be for some people to conceive a child. You will basically live at the infertility Dr, and have more tests, pokes, and other things I won't even mention. #youstickthatwandwhere But after all of that, when you do learn you are pregnant, they say you will forget all you went through and how much money it costs. That's a load of crap, because you will remember your journey, you can't just forget the road of disappointment. #stoptellingmetojustrelaxitwillhappen

Now that you are finally pregnant, you have no idea how much your life is going to change. #inagoodwaydontworry Let me let you in on a few things that will change:

*Your body. You will be getting quite larger as you grow that little baby. Don't stress over it too much, and don't listen to people's stupid comments they make about how big you are. #noiamnothavingtwins And don't listen to the people who say your body will just bounce right back after giving birth- it won't. Unless you are that rare freak of nature that does. #thosewomenarentthenorm

*Your marriage. This dynamic will change because he isn't just the husband anymore, he is the father of your child. Your parenting styles will be different in ways, but that doesn't mean that one is right, and the husbands the other is wrong. You have to learn to come together and be a united front, because that sweet little baby will turn into a toddler very quickly. #bescaredveryscared You are going to want to keep track of who does more, and throw it in his face that it is probably you doing more- this will be hard not to do, but try not to. You are still working on this almost 5 years later. #workinprogress #imonlyhuman #sorryhubs

*You as a person. You will change, as much as you think you won't, you will. #atleastifyouaredoingitright #somepeoplesadlydontchangewhentheyhavekids You will suddenly begin to worry about things you never worried about before. You are responsible for another human being- this is a big deal. You will learn to put his needs in front of your own. Your love for this tiny human is more then you can even comprehend- It is a different love then that of your husband. You will have many moments of feeling like you need a break, and when you get that break, you will spend it wishing you were with your child. #lifeisfunnylikethat

Your life in general will just be so different then that of a life pre-kids. It will still be fun, and you can still hang out with friends, but it won't be the same as it was pre-kids. You do need to make time for yourself, and for you and the husband- this is harder then you think. You will be almost 5 years in, knocked up again, and still not know how to do this. But being a parent is better then you ever thought it would be, it will be harder then you ever thought it would be, but it will be the most rewarding thing you will ever do.

PS: When you decide to have a second child, that journey will be harder then the first. Don't give up though, you are stronger then you think you are.