"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, March 26, 2015


The boy started soccer a couple weeks ago, and this is all new to the husband and me. We aren't exactly sporty people, hell we didn't even know that shinguard's go under the socks. #thanksfornottellinguscoach

The boy has clearly never played before, and he has wanted to play since he saw his cousin play last season. I think he likes the idea of soccer, but not exactly the actual game. After the first night of soccer, we were leaving the field, and he saw the baseball players playing. He told me that next time he wanted to play baseball. I told him, sure, maybe when soccer is done, we can sign you up for baseball. His response was, soccer is done, he will play baseball tomorrow. #nohoneyyouhave2monthsofsoccer

During the games, he basically decides after a few plays in that he is done. He then proceeds to just walk over and sit on the bench, or come talk to us on the sidelines. #takesawhileforcoachestonoticetheyonlyhave4playersonthefield When he randomly leaves the field in the middle of the game, it's either to tell us or his coaches that he needs to pee, his knees are tired, he's thirsty, or it's hot. #whoknewa4yearoldcouldhavebadknees The last game, when he was on the sidelines, he sat under the bench because he told the coach the sun was too hot. #poorkidhatestheheatlikeme I went to check on him at halftime, and he asked if he could have my phone to play games... #honeyyouareplayingagame #itscalledsoccer

I am hoping as the season goes on he will get more into it, and understand the game a little better. At this point, I would take him just staying on the field when it is his turn to play. He might not be the next David Beckham, but he sure does look cute in those cleats, especially now that we put the shinguard's under his socks! #playedawholegamelikethat #whydidnoonetellus