"I plan to give you love, nurturing, and just enough dysfunction to make you funny."

"Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 16, 2015


We are in the home stretch with only 4 1/2 weeks until my scheduled c-section. #wewillseeifwemakeitthatfar Part of me feels like this pregnancy has flown by, but part of me feels like it was so long ago when the infertility clinic called and told me I was pregnant.

This time around has been so different for me- not just physically, but emotionally. #veryhormonalthistimearound #justaskthehusband

When I found out I was pregnant with the first boy, I was just in such shock. It had taken so long for it to happen, and when it did, I didn't worry about much, and just really enjoyed being pregnant. #muchmorepleasantfirsttimearound #thatglowingpregolady This time around dealing with infertility yet again, and taking even longer then the first time, when it finally happened, all I could do is worry. After so many negative pregnancy tests, when I heard I was pregnant, it didn't even sink in. It took a while for me to feel connected to this pregnancy, and even now being so close to my due date, I still worry that something could happen. I am however making a conscious effort to remember everything about this pregnancy, every kick, every ache, every pain, every good or bad moment. #youcaneasilyrememberthepain I know that this will be my last pregnancy, which is sad in a way. Trust me, I only want 2 kids, but it just feels so final. Our road of infertility with both kids was hard, probably the most hard on me- I felt like my body was failing me, and unless you have gone though it yourself, you don't understand what that does to someone. #pleasenotanotherpregnancyannouncement

ANYWAY, I digress. I am now going to the doctor weekly, and this past Monday's appointment he checked me, and I am 1-2cm dilated, and 80% effaced at 34 weeks- yikes! Now, you can be this way for week's, but he said with this being my second pregnancy, and me being active #nonotworkoutactive #fulltimejoband4yearoldactive He would be shocked if I made it to May 19th. The boy is head down, engaged, and ready to go- he actually felt his head when he checked me. #iaskedifhehadhair #lol And that my friends, is why I feel like I have a watermelon between my legs. With the first boy, he was head down, but he was jammed into the side of my pelvis bone, thus resulting in not that many aches/pains, a c-section, and a very expensive helmet for 8 weeks. #wepaidgoodmoneyforthatroundhead

I am hoping he stays in there for a few more weeks, at least 37/38 weeks. My feet and ankles are now swelling daily, which is fun, and I think my best bet for sleep, is sleeping on the toilet. It would allow me to be in the sitting up position so I can breathe, and I could pee freely all night. #kills2birdswithonestone Nesting is still in full swing, I threw away all of our Tupperware about a week ago- couldn't find matching lids, and they would fall out of the cabinet every time you opened the door. #thehusbandwasalittleshockedbutknewbetterthentoquestionit

I have my hospital bag packed, and the car seat base installed in the car. Baby clothes are washed and put away, changing station set up, bassinet in the corner, and baby tub in the bathroom. I know I am ready for this boy, but I don't think I could say the same about the husband... #byebyeriverranchairboatsandfriendsforalongtime

I will keep you posted on my weekly visits... Thanks for reading... #doesanyoneevenreadmyblog